Wednesday, March 30, 2005


by Russell Johnson

Three days after principal photography, David has been working at a feverish pace to get all the footage captured and ready to edit. By Tuesday afternoon he already has a rough cut pieced together and I head over later that night to check it out. After watching it, two words; it's funny actually four words, it's funny as shit! We haven't even done the Stromtrooper voice overs yet and Dave was just working with raw audio. I couldn't stop laughing. Once again I can't say enough about the acting which is spot on and the visuals look great thanks to the HD camera and thanks to James Ochsenbein our DP and Greg Smith who worked their asses off on the set to get all the shots we needed which leads me to...

We did, or rather I should say, I missed a couple of shots during filming. But in the true spirit of Star Wars we are going to go back and digitally fix them so that they work. We shot 12 pages of a script in 8 hours which is nearly unheard of, maybe not so much in the indie world but, definitely by Hollywood standards and I will take solace in that for my screw-up. I should have been more careful with the shot list but there is a lesson in there for all you new directors (and obviously one for me as well). So those couple of problems aside the film works great! The rough cut clocks in around 9 minutes or so and with opening crawl and ending credits shouldn't run any longer than 12 give or take. We also, changed the title, or more aptly fixed it. Star Wars: Episode IV.V, The Unknown Discovery. The scene we shot literally takes place or would take place just about half way through Episode IV, hence the .V

Dave also starting piecing together the first teaser trailer which we should have up on the site soon. It's just as funny although by the trailer you would think this is highly dramatic piece. Most of the trailer is cut from footage of Episode IV and is dead on any of the actual Star Wars trailers. There is only one single shot from our film in the trailer, which by all rights, is the topper of the whole thing and once you know the context, never has one shot said so much or be so humorous. We finally settled on a logo color for the film which initially was going to be red for the Empire but by accident Dave grabbed a blue and it looked awesome so we went with that instead. All in all the project is right on schedule and we hope to get in this week to get the ADR done for the troopers, Justin Durban should be able to get on the score soon after if not by the end of this week.



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